This weekend, our laser trainers carried out two full days of Level 4 Laser Hair Removal and Level 5 Laser Tattoo Removal Training at our Medical Aesthetic Training Academy in Milton Keynes.

Successful Level 4 and Level 5 Laser Training

Our training courses begin with an in-depth presentation to help students to understand the theory behind selected treatments. It is vital for all laser practitioners to gain a full knowledge on not only the different levels of wavelengths and how lasers affect the skin, but also the layers of the skin and vital organs in the body. We aim to keep all groups small, as it gives students the chance to ask any questions they may have and ensure they leave training feeling confident that they will be able to provide advice to future clients.

laser theory training
laser training demonstration

After our trainers had completed walking students through all theory-based knowledge, students were given a chance to put their new understanding on lasers to the test. Our laser consultants carried out an initial live demonstration of a laser treatment of their choice, explaining each step and the reason behind all processes. This also allowed students to see all the equipment used along with important personal productive equipment such as goggles and gloves that are required to maintain safety.

Practical training started with using our Lumenis laser equipment on a flyer, as it gave students the chance to trace out the text to get the hang of using a hand-held device steadily.

The final step of training included practical training on a model. Our training academy will always provide a model for each course, we encourage students to try performing a treatment at the end of their training to consolidate their knowledge, however only if they feel confident. During this months training, our students had the opportunity to experiment with laser tattoo removal on a model’s large leg tattoo.

laser practical training
laser training demonstration

Once all steps of training were completed, our excited students received both their Level 4 Laser Hair Removal and Level 5 Laser Tattoo Removal certification.

A huge congratulations to those who joined us for our December Laser Level 4 and 5 Training and successfully passed their course. We look forward to our next set of training dates!

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