- Name: Katarzyna Szychowska
- Treatment(s): Laser Hair Removal
Customer Requirements
As the Winter months approach, we have had had many clients booking in to start their course of laser hair removal. Achieving full hair removal takes, on average, around six to eight sessions depending on the size of the treatment area and the speed of the hair growth cycle. As a set of sessions are required rather than just one, we always recommend clients begin their course at the end of the year, so a dramatic hair reduction is achieved by the Summer.
Our latest client, Katarzyna, had visited our beauty clinic in Milton Keynes in the past for a course of our laser carbon mask treatment to help clear her acne and reduce scarring. Due to her fantastic results, Katarzyna was eager to return to Bianco Beauty for laser hair removal.
Procedure of Treatment
During her initial consultation, Katarzyna discussed the areas in which she would like to reduce hair with one of our laser consultants. It was decided that throughout the course of her six sessions, we would focus on the underarms, bikini line and the lower half of her legs.
All three of the areas mentioned are the most popular laser hair removal treatments, as they require regular upkeep and no other forms of hair removal are able to maintain results for any longer than a few weeks at a time.
Katarzyna is now approaching the end of her course of sessions, and unbelievable results have been achieved, all treatment areas have little to no hair at all. Once all six sessions have been completed, we will recommend that Katarzyna returns to Bianco Beauty for an annual hair reduction top-up. Although your hair will not start to grow back, new follicles may begin to form, so opting for a yearly top-up will stop these from growing, therefore maintaining results.
Customer Feedback
" I honestly couldn’t believe the difference in my hair growth after just a few sessions of laser hair removal, it was fantastic! The team at Bianco Beauty are great at making you feel relaxed, comfortable and at ease during every visit, and they map out a carefully thought out plan of action to make sure that the best results are achieved. My only regret is that I didn’t book in for laser hair removal sooner! "